Surprises About Modern Marriage
As we dove into the research for the documentary Thoroughly Modern Marriage we were surprised by more than a few facts and figures.
For instance, roughly 80% of Canadian women get married at some point in their lives. We’ve kind of forgotten about this as we’ve become fixated on divorce statistics. (The divorce rate is 38%, by the way, although most people bandy about the idea that it’s 50%. It’s still high but a long way from 50%.)
In fact, we met a group of young female university students who were all desperate to get married, very worried they hadn’t met their future husbands yet (at 19/20, thinking if it didn’t happen soon, they might be 40 God forbid with a 10 year-old.) Â It would be easy to assume that young, hip, modern women these days might not really want marriage after seeing the broken relationships of their parents, cohorts, etc contrareembolso viagra. But overwhelmingly they want it – and bad, super bad. They also said they wanted a more traditional life, less work, more time at home with hubby and kids. Hmm!
But as you’ll see in the documentary, truly one of the most intriguing aspects of modern marriage is the variety. A legal union of two people is as different as the two people within it.
Sig Taylor
January 19, 2011 at 11:13 am
I’m a Marriage and Family Therapist in Calgary, AB and I’m wondering about your divorce rate statistic of 38%. How did you get that? I agree that most people think it’s 50% (including me). Distinguished marriage researcher, John Gottman, states that in the U.S. 50% of couples divorce in the first 7 years and 67% will divorce over 40 years. You’re saying Canada is different so the source of your stats is important as well as why the rate is so much lower in Canada.
Thanks, I’m looking forward to watching your documentary tomorrow night.
Sig Taylor
David Butcher
January 19, 2011 at 11:35 am
The 38% figure comes from the Vanier Family Institute.
•The latest estimates by Statistics Canada (2008) put the risk of divorce by the 30th wedding anniversary for recently married couples at 38% for the country as a whole.
The USA has the higher rate of 50%. You can find out a lot of those stats at http://www.smartmarriages.com which is USA based.
Hope this helps.