Award for Programmed to be Fat
<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2325" alt="medal" src="http://dreamfilm.ca/wp-content/uploads/medal-240×332.jpg" width="240" height="332" srcset="http://dreamfilm.ca/wp-content/uploads/medal-240×332 viagra es con receta.jpg 240w, http://dreamfilm.ca/wp-content/uploads/medal-577×800.jpg 577w, http://dreamfilm.ca/wp-content/uploads/medal-600×831.jpg 600w, http://dreamfilm.ca/wp-content/uploads/medal-940×1303.jpg 940w, http://dreamfilm.ca/wp-content/uploads/medal-680×942.jpg 680w, http://dreamfilm.ca/wp-content/uploads/medal-220×304.jpg 220w” sizes=”(max-width: 240px) 100vw, 240px” />We are so proud to announce that our recent documentary Programmed to be Fat? was awarded the Silver World Medal at the 2013 New York Festivals for Best Health/Medical Information documentary.
Programmed to be Fat? explores the link between chemicals in our environment and the obesity epidemic. It was directed by Bruce Mohun, written by Bruce Mohun and Helen Slinger, and produced by Sue Ridout, Helen Slinger and Sara Darling for Dreamfilm Productions in association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
More information about the film here.